Remember everyone loaded into the cell phone number list car to go to the store when you wanted to check out the latest toys or electronics? Doesn't seem that far away, does it? After all, Amazon's reign over e-commerce is a fairly recent event. Malls made much more money for retailers, and very few cell phone number list of them had an online presence. All that changes. Amazon dominated e-commerce this past holiday season. The cell phone number list online retail giant is estimated to account for more than 50% of growing e-commerce sales by 2021 . That leaves a small piece of the pie for the rest of us if the cell phone number list trend continues.
The cell phone number list latest data from Forrester indicates that 71% of consumers in the United States will use a search engine to discover new products, brands and services. If you don't rank in search, you're missing out. It's simple. If you want to compete online with giants like Amazon, Walmart and others, you need to win at SEO . It might sound a bit like David fighting Goliath with just a slingshot and a few rocks, but there are ways to stack the cell phone number list odds in your favor to topple the giant armies of marketers you're competing against.
Right place, right time
Online research is crucial throughout the cell phone number list customer lifecycle, from product discovery to engagement and retention to purchase decision. If “search is king”, then “retail sites are queen”. If you're an online e-commerce retailer, you need to do more than optimize your e-commerce site. You simply cannot ignore your search engine rankings for your key product, brand, and service terms. In global search, there's Google and then there's everyone. As a cell phone number list seller, it's essential that you understand what it takes cell phone number list to be discovered on Google, first and foremost.
Even when the cell phone number list purchase ultimately doesn't happen online, 65% of consumers still do research online before making their final buying decisions at a physical store. This is known as ROBO (search online, buy offline). If you sell electronics, appliances, automobiles, or apparel, discovery and consideration practices are important online, even if the cell phone number list purchase ultimately happens in a store 90% of the time .
One of the cell phone number list best ways to start ranking for your targeted keywords is to create an informational blog . Once you do that, you can incorporate SEO into it by using keyword research to frame topics that proactively answer your cell phone number list customers' questions. Marcus Sheridan does a great job with this approach. He is frequently featured online cell phone number list to answer questions about swimming pools . It answers questions that buyers had, but no one else bothered to answer. In turn, he became one of the first digital stars of inbound marketing.